Staff and Leadership
Our church staff coordinates with Session Elders and Deacon Board to carry out the ministry and programming of the church.
Rev. Hubie Mann
Senior Pastor
Leigh Sain
Director of Congregational Care/Lay Pastor
Jamie Dick
Director of Music Ministries
Kelly Fry
Director of Children and Families
Lauren Brock
Youth Director
Catrina Tenhouse
Assistant Preschool Director
Debbie Wilson
Preschool Director
Arlene Berrís
Director of Accounting and Administration
Teri Gibson
Communications and Graphics Manager
Hollie Shaver
Worship Accompanist
Presbyterian Leadership Structure
Two Offices:
Elder and Deacon
Our ministers serve as “teaching elders,” while Jesus Christ is the recognized head of our church. The Elders make up our Session, which is responsible for spiritual leadership, operation, and direction of the church. Meanwhile, the Deacon Board acts as the hands and feet of service, and is the serving body of the congregation. See the DEACONS and ELDERS section below for current listings of our church leadership.
Clerk of Session
Diane Brock
Administrative & Personnel
Oversees administrative and personnel matters for the Session of our congregation.
Tom Dilworth (2026)
Eric Horton (2024)
Buildings & Grounds
Continually asks the question, “How is our campus communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” They oversee the appearance, ethos, purpose, and physical maintenance of our campus.
Bruce Avery (2024)
David Brentzel (2025)
Christian Education
Oversees our discipleship opportunities for children, youth, families, adults, and small groups, focusing on forming fully mature disciples and servant leaders of Jesus Christ.
Keith Blackwell (2024)
Fellowship & Assimilation
Helps plan fellowship events for our congregation and community as well as oversees the way that our Covenant Partners stay connected with one another. Assists with the creation of Small Groups and works to find every Covenant Partner a place to plug in within our church community.
Kedrick Daw (2024)
Judy Struk (2024)
Alana Nigro (2026)
Oversees Eastminster’s partnerships with local, national, and global mission work and supports our church family in its ministry to the community and around the world.
Norm Baur (2024)
Cathy DuBose (2026)
The Preschool team oversees Eastminster’s Preschool operations and ministry to its students and their families. An elder on Session serves as the chair of the Preschool board, and the Director reports to the Senior Pastor.
Carolyn Tolbert (2025)
Stewardship & Finance
Oversees the financial affairs of the church, including planning the annual budget, providing regular reports on our financial status, and coordinating the ongoing education of our church family in regard to Biblical principles of giving.
Neal Abernathy (2025)
Andy Starnes (2024)
Plans and supports Eastminster’s worship services to the glory of God, including all choirs, the praise team, arts, communion preparation, acolytes, flowers, sound and lighting, Wedding Guild, and special services.
Andy Doyle (2025)
Reuben Lasseter (2025)
Lisa Tabor (2024)
Leigh Sain, Lay Pastor
Coordinates our greeters for our worship services and nurtures an authentic, welcoming environment for visitors and covenant partners alike.
Kathy Avery (2024)
Laura Lee Lindsay (2026)
Flo Sapp (2026)
Terry Tolbert (2025)
Deepening the prayer life of Eastminster by praying for, with, and on behalf of our covenant partners, guests, and community.
Cathy Bristow (2026)
Charles Watson (2025)
Plans and coordinates events and fellowship activities for our church family.
Heather Dalka (2025)
Judi Horne (2025)
Lynda Windhorst (2026)
Responsible for the ongoing physical and emotional care of our church family.
Suzan Lasseter (2025)
Susan South (2026)