Music Ministry
Worship and Serve Through Music
We welcome all ages who desire to glorify God through music. Our choral and instrumental groups meet regularly and glorify God through music during Sunday worship services and special events.

Worship Arts
The Worship Band presents during the 9am Contemporary worship service on Sunday mornings and other special events. A brief meeting with the Director of Music Ministries to determine musical ability is required. We welcome all with the desire to worship and serve through music and the willingness to commit to rehearsals. Practices are on in the sanctuary Thursdays 7:00-9:00pm.
Our Chancel Choir presents during the 11:15am worship service on Sunday mornings and different special events. No audition required for membership — we welcome all men and women with the desire to participate and the willingness to commit to rehearsals. Meets Wednesday Nights 7-9pm,Choir Room.
The Bell Choir is a handbell choir made up of dedicated musicians and talented ringers. New members may have some ringing experience or demonstrate musical proficiency to the director; instruction is available for those with no ringing experience. Meets in the sanctuary Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:00pm.
Younger singers enjoy a broad range of musical styles with an emphasis on worship. No auditions, just a love for singing and serving with a joyful heart! Kids' Choir (1st grade and younger) meets on Sundays from 9:45-10:05am in CLC Room 207. Cherub Choir (Grades 2rd-5th) meets on Wednesdays from 5:05-5:35pm in the Choir Room. Youth Choir (Grades 6th-8th) meets on Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm in the Choir Room.
The audio/visual ministry is vital to the success of all worship services and special events. Those involved run sound or live stream on Sunday mornings. Other areas of service include running lights and slides at the Contemporary service. Training sessions and shadowing an experienced team member are ways volunteers are supported in becoming acquainted with the process.