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Christian Education

A Class for Everyone

Christian Education

Every class offered at Eastminster Presbyterian Church is grounded in Scripture and designed to help you move closer to Jesus Christ. If you are interested in taking your next step of faith, this is the place to start!
Questions? Please contact the Christian Education Ministry below. We would love to have you and your family join us!


Sunday Morning Classes


Led by Rick Sloss and Mark Shreiner

Jesus teaches in many ways—how He lives His life, what He commands us to do, what stories He uses to teach us. This class will focus on our Lord's stories, His parables. Why does He use stories and how does He employ them to bring us closer to Him? Please join us as we listen to and learn from the Master Storyteller.

Led by Carolyn Waters

The theme of the Old Testament book of Numbers is trust. The issue of trust is a major struggle for many Christians. It’s the same struggle that the Israelites had – the struggle to believe and trust that God is in control, that He knows what He’s doing and that He doesn’t make mistakes. “We struggle to believe that everything He tells us in His Word is true and that it is for our good” (Stedman. Ray C. Adventuring Through the Bible.2nd Ed. 2012. p.93). We are always “looking for signs of Jesus,” and we will find Him in every corner of Numbers! Count on it!  We will see how the Messiah is our cornerstone – even in this Old Testament text. 

Led by Rev. Hubie Mann

Have you ever been confused or struggled to understand something that you read in the Bible?  Guess what…you’re NOT alone!  The Bible contains many different types of writing (such as History, Epistles, Gospels, Narrative, Law, Prophecy, Poetry, etc.) and there are different principles of interpretation that apply to each type of writing.  In this class, we’ll focus upon the principles for understanding the meaning of the Gospels in the New Testament and then we’ll apply those principles chapter by chapter through the Gospel of Luke . This class will greatly enhance your understanding of the scriptures. 

Led by Terri Mann, Eric Horton and other "veteran" EPC parents

Most parents want their kids to be successful. But what if there was something even better than success?  There is! In this riveting study, Aiming Your Child at True Greatness, Dr. Tim Kimmel turns the definition of success on its head and takes a look at God's plan for raising kids who grow up to live meaningful lives that make a genuine difference. When you raise those kinds of kids, your house will be a place everyone wants to come home to.  Even if you missed parts 1 & 2, it’s not too late to “jump in” and learn about “Grace Based Parenting”.


Room 201 (CLC):
6th and 7th Grade

Room 202 (CLC):
8th Grade Confirmation Class

Youth Room (CLC):
9th-12th Grade


Room 207 (CLC): Pre-K and Kindergarten

Room 206 (CLC): 1st and 2nd Grade

Room 205 (CLC): 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade

Room 5 (Main Building): Childcare for infants-2yo from 8:45am-12:15pm

Room 3 (Main Building): Childcare for 3-4yo from 8:45am-12:15pm

6:30-7:30pm (August through May)

Wednesday Night Bible Studies


Led by Carolyn Waters

The theme of the Old Testament book of Numbers is trust. The issue of trust is a major struggle for many Christians.  It’s the same struggle that the Israelites had – the struggle to believe and trust that God is in control, that He knows what He’s doing and that He doesn’t make mistakes. “We struggle to believe that everything He tells us in His Word is true and that it is for our good” (Stedman.Ray C. Adventuring Through the Bible.2nd Ed. 2012. p.93). We are always “looking for signs of Jesus,” and we will find Him in every corner of Numbers! Count on it!  We will see how the Messiah is our cornerstone – even in this Old Testament text.

Led by Rev. Hubie Mann

Have you ever been confused or struggled to understand something that you read in the Bible?  Guess what…you’re NOT alone!  The Bible contains many different types of writing (such as History, Epistles, Gospels, Narrative, Law, Prophecy, Poetry, etc.) and there are different principles of interpretation that apply to each type of writing.  In this class, we’ll focus upon the principles for understanding the meaning of the Gospels in the New Testament and then we’ll apply those principles chapter by chapter through the Gospel of Luke . This class will greatly enhance your understanding of the scriptures.

Led by Paula Barbin and Carl Faught

Paul wrote three letters to believers while he was imprisoned in Rome.  Only Paul could write about joy, unity, the new Life in Christ, Freedom, the Light, and love while in chains.  We will look at the books of Philippians, Ephesians and Colossians.  Paul’s message to these churches is the same today as it was almost 2000 years ago.


The Youth Group meets in the Youth Room for Bible Study led by our Youth Director, Lauren Brock.


Depending on attendance, children 5th grade and younger meet upstairs in the CLC for Bible-centered programs led by our Director of Children and Families, Kelly Fry.