Services at 9 and 11:15am
2024 VBS
June 17-21
Diving Into Friendship
with God
4 years-rising 5th grade
Children who are 4 years old through 5th grade will dive into amazing undersea adventure where they will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God while making new friends.
Kids will learn about God's Word in fun, age-appropriate, high-energy stations. There will be a Kick-Off event from 4-5:30pm on June 17 where families, campers and friends will watch our opening skit, enjoy a cook-out dinner and meet other VBS campers and their families. The rest of the week, children will rotate through seven stations: Opening/Closing Ceremony, Skits and Songs, Bible Adventures, Imagination Station, Games and Recreation, Snacks, Sticky Scripture and Music Time (new this year!) which will reinforce the Bible Stories, Lessons and Bible Points.
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