Christian Education
A Class for Everyone
Christian Education
Every class offered at Eastminster Presbyterian Church is grounded in Scripture and designed to help you move closer to Jesus Christ. If you are interested in taking your next step of faith, this is the place to start.
There are classes throughout the week to fit everyone's schedule. Scroll down to see detailed descriptions for Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Click here for Small Group Bible Studies that meet throughout the week.
Questions? Please contact the Christian Education Ministry. We would love to have you and your family join us
Sunday Morning Classes
Led by Rick Sloss and Mark Shreiner
The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous sermon Jesus ever gave, perhaps the most famous sermon ever given by anyone. If we were to summarize it in a single sentence, it would be something like this: How to live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, and full of wisdom and discernment. And even though Jesus delivered this sermon 2,000 years ago, the implications of these words are still shockingly relevant and meaningful to us today.
Led by Carolyn Waters
Deuteronomy is the last book of the Pentateuch and literally translated, it means “the second law.” But it is not merely a repetition of the Law; rather, it is another illustration of the law of recurrence, instruction for a new generation, and reassurance of the Love of God fully revealed in the gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ to be discovered in the New Testament. The great theme is Love and Obey. Yes, God’s love, God’s law, God’s lessons for man to obey appear in the Old Testament as seeds that foreshadow the life and purpose of Jesus Christ.
Led by Rev. Hubie Mann
Have you ever been confused or struggled to understand something that you read in the Bible? Guess what…you’re NOT alone! The Bible contains many different types of writing (such as History, Epistles, Narrative, Law, Prophecy, Poetry, etc.) and there are different principles of interpretation that apply to each type of writing. In this class, we’ll focus upon understanding the meaning of the Historical Books in the Bible and then we’ll apply those principles to some of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. This class will REVOLUTIONIZE the way that you read and understand the scriptures.
Led by Eric Horton and Terri Mann
If you are already an “all-knowing”, “all-wise”, and totally confident parent, then this class may not be for you. However, if you’re like most people and you’re sometimes humbled by the task of raising your kids to become responsible adults, then this class just might be for you! Whether you are a couple, a single parent, or a grandparent – this lively and informative class will encourage you and provide you with the help you need to become a confident parent.
CLC Room 201:
6th and 7th Grade
CLC Room 202:
8th Grade Confirmation Class
(Beginning in October)
Youth Room (CLC):
9th-12th Grade
CLC Room 207:
Pre-K and Kindergarten
CLC Room 206:
1st and 2nd Grade
CLC Room 205:
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade
Room 5 (Main Building):
Childcare for infants-2yo from 8:45am-12:15pm
Room 3 (Main Building):
Childcare for 3-4yo from 8:45am-12:15pm
6:30-7:30pm (August through May)
Wednesday Night Bible Studies
Led by Carolyn Waters
Deuteronomy is the last book of the Pentateuch and literally translated, it means “the second law.” But it is not merely a repetition of the Law; rather, it is another illustration of the law of recurrence, instruction for a new generation, and reassurance of the Love of God fully revealed in the gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ to be discovered in the New Testament. The great theme is Love and Obey. Yes, God’s love, God’s law, God’s lessons for man to obey appear in the Old Testament as seeds that foreshadow the life and purpose of Jesus Christ.
Led by Rev. Hubie Mann
Have you ever been confused or struggled to understand something that you read in the Bible? Guess what…you’re NOT alone! The Bible contains many different types of writing (such as History, Epistles, Narrative, Law, Prophecy, Poetry, etc.) and there are different principles of interpretation that apply to each type of writing. In this class, we’ll focus upon understanding the meaning of the Historical Books in the Bible and then we’ll apply those principles to some of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. This class will REVOLUTIONIZE the way that you read and understand the scripture.
Led by Paula Barbin
The Letter to the Hebrews was written to people in crisis. They were persecuted, tempted by the rampant sin around them, and doubting their faith in Jesus. It was not so different than what many of us go through today. This class will walk you through the Letter to the Hebrews, learning how to live for Jesus in every season of life. Hebrews shows us that Jesus is better than anything the world can offer. We simply need to answer, “Am I willing to trust him above everything else?”
The Youth Group meets in the Youth Room for Bible Study led by our Youth Director, Lauren Brock.
Depending on attendance, children 5th grade and younger meet upstairs in the CLC for Bible-centered programs led by our Director of Children and Families, Kelly Fry.